Mosquito season is a time of year that brings insects known for their itchy, painful bites and exasperating buzzing sounds. As creatures that thrive in warm or humid weather, mosquitoes can wreak havoc on the comfort of residential life. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are over 3,700 species of mosquitoes in the world, and many varieties come equipped with piercing mouths that suck blood.

While some mosquito bites are mainly nuisances that cause irritation and swelling, many types of mosquito bites can spread bacteria or serious diseases. When it comes to the health and safety of your family, the last thing you need is a swarm of mosquitoes infesting your property. But how do you prevent this occurrence? A look at the top methods for lowering the mosquito population can help you safeguard your home.

When Is Mosquito Season?

Although mosquito season can vary slightly depending on climate zone, there are certain conditions that cause mosquitoes to thrive across the board. Most mosquitoes start to become active once temperatures exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, weather conditions that consistently reach over 70 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for a mosquito’s lifespan.

Along with warm weather, mosquito eggs use moisture like rainfall or humidity in order to hatch. Adult mosquitoes also mate in warm weather, and female mosquitoes begin looking for blood to consume after mating in order to produce more eggs. This is when humans usually notice their parasitic behavior as mosquitoes begin hovering and looking for hosts to bite. In the United States, mosquito season can begin as early as March or April. The peak months for mosquitoes range from May through September.

Why Is It Important to Reduce the Mosquito Population?

Mosquitoes transfer saliva when they bite their hosts. This saliva contains proteins that can cause rashes, swelling, scarring, and allergic reactions. Even worse, blood-sucking mosquitoes can also ingest deadly pathogens while they bite.

The insects can then transmit these pathogens to other hosts. For this reason, the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) refers to mosquitoes as “vectors of disease” that spread germs from one host to another.

In fact, mosquitoes are the only known vectors of diseases like malaria. Other common mosquito-borne illnesses include yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika virus, and the West Nile virus. Approximately 700 million people worldwide acquire a mosquito-borne sickness every year, and over 750,000 individuals die from these illnesses.

According to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), human activity can artificially inflate mosquito populations. For example, humans may create artificial sources of stagnant moisture like dirty gutters or water buckets. These human behaviors can provide insect breeding grounds in places that might have otherwise remained mosquito-free. Land development and climate change may have also increased the number of invasive species. While you may not be able to control all environmental factors, it’s important to develop good personal habits to reduce the mosquito population around your house.

What Are Best Practices for Reducing the Mosquito Population Near Your Home?

There are several steps you can take to lower the number of mosquitoes around your home. These steps include eliminating standing water, clearing gutters and drains, keeping a well-maintained yard, and enlisting the help of a professional mosquito-control service.

1. Eliminate Standing Water

One of the most important steps for reducing mosquito populations is to remove standing water from around your home. Standing water is a perfect breeding ground for the life cycle of mosquitos. Female mosquitoes lay eggs in standing water, and these eggs hatch into larvae that feed on aquatic materials. The larvae become pupae that float on the water’s surface before they finally molt and become adult mosquitoes. During peak season, this process takes little more than a week.

To help prevent this occurrence, remove man-made sources of standing water. These include baby pools, planters, flowerpots, watering cans, small fountains, bird baths, or pet bowls. Even overturned trashcan lids, unused tires, old toys, patio furniture, and plastic sheeting can become breeding areas. At least once a week, empty or dry any items that hold water to help reduce insect growth.

2. Keep Your Gutters and Drains Clear

Mosquito larvae like to feed on decaying organic materials. Damp leaves and debris in gutters offer a perfect source of food for a growing population. Gutters and drains can also collect enough water for insect breeding. To avoid this, keep these areas consistently clean and well-maintained. In addition, make a note of any leaking spigots creating puddles around the perimeter of your house. Fix leaking faucets and keep these areas dry to prevent a mosquito outbreak.

3. Maintain Your Yard and Pool

Unkempt yards or pools offer additional habitats for mosquitos. An untended yard can contain tall grasses, decaying branches, or water puddles where mosquitoes can hatch or feed. Mosquito larvae can also feed on microbial algae in dirty pools. Keep your yard trimmed and remove piles of twigs or debris from your property. Level off any dips or depressions in your yard that can create puddles after it rains. Clean your pool with recommended chlorine cleansers to prevent mosquito reproduction.

4. Switch to Bug Bulbs

If you enjoy spending time outside, consider installing bug-repellent outdoor lighting. Several manufacturers sell yellow bulbs that you can install in fixtures to keep mosquitos at bay. If you need help choosing the right model, a home services company can help you select the recommended design and wattage for your property.

5. Consider Growing Mosquito-Repelling Plants or Ponds

When it’s time to update your landscaping, consider growing native plants that either repel mosquitos or serve as natural habitats for mosquito predators. Plants and herbs that may repel mosquitoes include lemongrass, rosemary, lavender, basil, peppermint, clove, or neem. You can also ask your landscaper about plants that attract hummingbirds, nighthawks, and other fowl that consume mosquitoes. If you have a pond, try to create a haven for copepods, frogs, or dragonflies. These animals are all-stars for consuming mosquitoes or larvae and keeping the population at bay.

6. Use Residential Fans or Barriers

Humans exhale moisture and carbon dioxide while breathing. These substances can attract mosquitoes looking for a blood meal. Fortunately, rapid air movement can confuse or disorient mosquitoes since these insects are weak flyers. Install outdoor fans at ground level to blow mosquitoes away from your property. You can also install mesh screens on all open windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering and looking for water sources within the home.

7. Enlist the Help of a Professional

Even if you follow the recommended steps for reducing the mosquito population, it’s impossible to see all mosquito eggs or larvae with the naked eye. Mosquitoes are prolific breeders, and females can successfully lay eggs in merely a capful of standing water. To reduce the population, it is essential to enlist the help of a mosquito-control professional.

These trained experts can nip an infestation in the bud. A technician has the knowledge and training to use different types of insecticide to eliminate mosquitoes at all stages of their life cycle. This can stop reproduction in its tracks and help prevent insects in dormant stages from reemerging during active seasons.

Contact Us Today

The overpopulation of mosquitoes can have detrimental consequences for the health, safety, and comfort of your family. Fortunately, the experts are here to help. Pest Arrest provides mosquito-control services for homes in Santa Clarita and surrounding areas. Our experts can evaluate your yard and treat areas where mosquitoes are most likely to breed or land. We offer effective and customized treatment plans that help eliminate mosquitoes while leaving the rest of your yard untouched.

Our professionals take pride in cutting down swarms or hordes of insects that otherwise attack humans and pets. We offer services for dealing with rodents, cockroaches, and ants. Our team can provide bee removal. Protect your home with our termite control and termite inspections. This season, take control and enjoy the outdoors again. Contact Pest Arrest today for all pest control needs.

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